0–3 years
3,5–15 kg, 53–100 cm
Four carrying positions
Ergonomic for you & your baby
Highly recommend this carrier
Fantastic! So easy to put together when taken out the box and then a case of a few simple clicks to get baby in and out on a day-to-basis. Baby is secure and comfy and regularly falls asleep!
JLSMamma, London UK
Highly recommend this carrier
Fantastic! So easy to put together when taken out the box and then a case of a few simple clicks to get baby in and out on a day-to-basis. Baby is secure and comfy and regularly falls asleep!
JLSMamma, London UK
Excellent carrier!!!
Brilliant carrier Absolutely great carrier that went with our baby from tiny and inward facing to now facing outwards. The back support is a lifesaver saver and all the straps clip together really quickly which is great with a wriggly baby!
HT, London